Register of Projects Overview
Register of Projects Overview
What is the Register of Projects?
The cidb Register of Projects monitors infrastructure projects nationally, including those of the government and private sectors. In the public sector the register monitors infrastructure projects from when a tender is advertised, the contract is awarded, through to project completion or termination.
The Register of Projects is currently focused mainly, but not exclusively, on monitoring public sector projects.
Who Must Register Projects?
All Government institutions must register infrastructure projects on the cidb Register of Projects.
The Construction Industry Development (CID) Regulations of 2004, as amended, distinguish between infrastructure projects that are implemented by parastatals and those that are implemented by other institutions of Government.
- Parastatals must register projects from R10 million minimum in value
- The value for other government institutions is R200,000.00
i.tender – The Entry Gate to the Register of Projects
All project registration is web-based, from registration of a tender, contract award, through to registration of project completion or termination. The entry gate into the Register of Projects is i.tender. Construction Industry Regulations 2004, as amended require public sector clients to log tender adverts for infrastructure projects on the cidb i.tender.
Client Access
Client access is managed through a password protected environment. To access the system a client must register as an employer and receive allocated login codes. These codes can be re-set on request, and to accommodate the client’s requirements.
Registering a Tender
Once a client registers a tender advertisement, the system automatically triggers a tender alert to contractors in the corresponding grade as identified in the advert. The tender alert is sent to the relevant contractors via an SMS and / or e-mail.
i.tender as a Compliance Tool
i.tender acts as a tool for compliance for both the Register of Projects and the Register of Contractors.
- The client must first identify contractor grades relevant to the scope and value of the work being advertised
- It forces clients to observe the minimum notice time period required for compulsory tender briefing meetings and tender closure
- It also minimises misuse of the tendering process to manipulate prices through unreasonable withdrawal and re-advertising of tenders
Benefits of the Register of Projects
The Register of Projects provides government and the industry access to information on:
- The value and geographic distribution of construction projects
- Government institutions that are delivering on infrastructure
- Trends in government usage of available infrastructure delivery capacity in terms of contractors that are allocated projects
The register can inform government policy decisions on construction industry development and the role of construction in developing the economy and society.