National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy
National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy
Alongside accelerated delivery of new infrastructure government has identified maintenance of existing infrastructure as a priority. This is crucial to ensuring that old infrastructure remains available to support service delivery.
There are many challenges affecting maintenance of state assets, including capacity and planning at various levels of government. The National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy developed jointly by the cidb, the Department of Public Works and CSIR maps out a programme of action to promote cooperation and improve the levels of maintenance of state assets. It also aims to unlock the huge potential of the maintenance industry to create jobs and support skills development.
The stock of infrastructure that is owned by government and its agencies is already big and is increasing at a rapid rate. However, the maintenance of this stock varies greatly from sector to sector, and, sometimes, also from institution to institution within a sector. Specific sectors have their own unique challenges.
The National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy (NIMS) is a co-ordinated programme of actions that is an essential part of government’s vision of delivering infrastructure services to all. It was approved by Cabinet on 23 August 2006, and provides the proposed institutional arrangements for facilitating and managing the NIMS programme, key work components and task teams to address the actions set down withing NIMS and a summary timetable for mobilising the programme.