cidb Application Forms
cidb Application Forms
Need to apply for a cidb grade? Here’s where you can find all necessary cidb application forms and documentation to ensure that your application is successful. Please ensure that you complete all sections in their entirety.
Application Forms
Fraud is a Reality
Do not participate in corruption! cidb employees are employed to provide a registration services that are seamless, efficient and timely. Do not attempt to bribe staff for any service or favour. Remember integrity in life and in business goes a long way!
It is not illegal to use a third party to assist with registration. Beware of unscrupulous agents whose promises are too good to be true. Falsifying information to manipulate grading is illegal. As the applicant, the contractor, not the agent, is accountable and liable for any misrepresentation to the cidb.
Registration Benefits
The Register of Contractors helps policy makers objectively assess the extent of empowerment and transformation in the industry. This includes transformation of ownership of companies, access to work opportunities by the emerging sector, as well as growth and sustainability of companies owned by historically disadvantaged groups. This information facilitates informed policy decisions. It also directs focus to appropriate development interventions.
Grading helps contractors to benchmark themselves against peers. Individual contractors are also better able to market their capabilities and to position themselves appropriately.
Ultimately registration helps the country and the industry to appreciate the capacity and capability available to deliver infrastructure in order to meet local social and economic goals. The Register of Contractors reflects the nature, size and geographic distribution of contractors.
Beware of fraud
Beware the so called ‘cidb agents’. The cidb does not endorse or employ agents to help contractors complete or submit applications for registration. These are independent operators soliciting business for profit.
Take advantage of our free services at all nine cidb provincial offices. We assist contractors to understand requirements for grading as well as supporting documentation needed.
Be alert. Avoid unscrupulous agents with false promises. If it is too good to be true it probably is! Integrity goes a long way. As a contractor you remain accountable for all information submitted to the cidb in your company name, in terms of Regulation 30 of the Construction Industry Development (CID) Regulations of 2004.