About the cidb B.U.I.L.D Programme

About the cidb B.U.I.L.D Programme

Inclusive Development

The local construction industry has long been identified as an ideal catalyst for economic growth and social development. In a post-pandemic South Africa, the Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme, otherwise known as the B.U.I.L.D Programme, will not only unlock the aforementioned opportunities but also serve to create a construction industry landscape that is rooted in inclusive development.

Functioning as a framework for the entire sector, it will ensure that infrastructure can meaningfully contribute to South Africa’s developmental goals, knowledge transfer, upskilling, environmentally sustainable building and a safer construction industry for everyone.

All sectors of the construction industry including large contractors, clients and build environment professionals  are ready and willing to assist, ensuring transformation of the industry can take place at a rapid pace and on a large-scale. Clients are ready to leverage construction projects from Grade 7 and above, for development aligned to standards prioritised in the B.U.I.L.D Programme. These will benefit emerging enterprises in Grades 1 to 6, learners and graduates of T-Vet Colleges and universities, as well as candidates for professional registration.

Complying with the B.U.I.L.D Programme

The cidb B.U.I.L.D Programme

Building Skills to Thrive

Elements of the B.U.I.L.D Programme

The B.U.I.L.D Programme is comprised of the Register of Projects, standards for industry development and a national development fund.

The Register of Projects

The Register of Projects monitors construction projects nationally. These are public sector projects above R200 000 and private sector projects above R10 million in value. By law public sector and private sector clients must register award of contracts on the cidb Register of Projects from these minimum contract values. The Register of Projects is the online platform on which clients must report their contribution to the B.U.I.L.D. Scheme aligned to the cidb standards and the B.U.I.L.D. Fund. 

Standards for the cidb B.U.I.L.D Programme

The cidb B.U.I.L.D. Programme defines standards and measures to which all projects grade 7 and above must contribute to social development goals. The Standard for Indirect Targeting and the Skills Standard are the first standards to be gazetted for implementation in terms of the Programme. More standards will follow. 

The cidb provides guidelines on how these standards must be incorporated into procurement documentation when public sector clients call for construction tenders.

Practice Guides for Clients

Practice Guides for Contractors

B.U.I.L.D. Fund

The CIDB Act empowers the cidb to set up a national fund to which construction projects must contribute financially to construction industry development through the B.U.I.L.D. Programme. Construction projects of grade 7 and above must contribute to the B.U.I.L.D Fund, a percentage of their value, up to R2m.

The fund is managed by the cidb under the watchful eye of a governance structure to ensure transparency, accountability and that funds are distributed to development priorities.

Roll-Out Dates for B.U.I.L.D Programme

The below tables illustrate the planned implementation dates for the B.U.I.L.D Programme :

Table 1: Implementation dates for the Standard for Indirect Targeting for Enterprise Development through Construction Works

Table 2a: Implementation dates for the Standard for Developing Skills through Infrastructure Contracts; for engineering and construction works, or design and build contract or an order issued in terms of such a contract

Table 2b: Implementation dates for the Standard for Developing Skills through Infrastructure Contracts; for engineering and construction works, or design and build contract or an order issued in terms of such a contract


The below table illustrates the scheme’s fee structure:

Table 1: Registration and Renewal Fees of Schedule 2 of the Regulations is hereby amended by the insertion of the following item:

Standards in the cidb B.U.I.L.D Programme:

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure has declared set standards to which infrastructure projects of grade 7 and above, must contribute to development goals.  These are the Standard for Indirect Targeting for Enterprise Development Through Construction Works and the Standard for Developing Skills Through Infrastructure Projects. These are the first two standards implementing now. More standards will follow.

Each standard sets a minimum threshold for contribution to development  

The Standard for Indirect Targeting for Enterprise Development calls on clients to specify a minimum contribution of 5% of the project’s contract value to development support. This is support that the contractor must provide on the project.  The Standard for Skills development calls for a maximum development support of 0.25% of the project’s contract value. It is mandatory for the client to stipulate these requirements when specifying and calling for tenders from contractors.

Implementation of these standards will benefit:

  1. Emerging enterprises by providing opportunities for development support on projects, access to finance and by increasing the pool of skilled local labour at the disposal of the industry.
  2. Learners from TVET colleges and universities by providing them with opportunities for workplace learning through placements, thereby acquiring work experience.
  3. Young professionals seeking candidacy and registration through work placements. 

Other standards endorsed by the cidb

Green Building Certification

In line with government objectives and policy, the cidb endorses the Green Star SA certification of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) as a best practice for public and private sector buildings.